
Are you a General Practitioner (GP) or Audiologist?

“Excessive or impacted cerumen is present in one in 10 children, one in 20 adults, and more than one third of the geriatric and developmentally delayed populations” 1

Award-winning Earworx was established in 2016 by Registered Nurse Lisa Hellwege, to provide her clients with a safe and effective professional micro-suction earwax removal service. This is the same gentle and dry technique used by ENT specialists across Australia and at the Royal Hobart Hospital ENT Outpatient Department. Microsuction is a delicate procedure that requires practical training. All Earworx nurses have completed a nationally accredited Earworx Course in Aural Care and an extensive practical placement in order to learn how to safely perform the microsuction and curettage procedure.

Click here to learn more about Earworx staff.

The procedure is suitable for people with:

  • Impacted ear wax that is causing symptoms
  • Impacted ear wax that is preventing a view of the tympanic membrane inhibiting diagnosis
  • Perforated ear drums
  • Problems in the ear canal where syringing is unsuitable
  • Hearing aids – wax removal may be required up to 6 monthly
  • Previous ear surgery – may require a referral back to the ENT specialist
  • Narrow ear canals
  • Curvy ear canals
  • Hairy ear canals
  • Skin conditions like dermatitis or psoriasis
  • Diabetes
  • External or middle ear infections
  • Dislodged hearing aid domes, ear plugs or foreign bodies in the ear canal. Please note for insects in the ear, please recommend application of olive oil to drown the insect prior to removal
Ear Canal - Before
Ear Canal - After

Our qualified registered nurses use dry and effective micro suction to gently remove ear wax under direct observation.

The standard appointment fee for ear wax removal with Earworx is $165.

We offer a concession appointment fee for Pensioners, Veterans, Government Health Care Card Holders, Children, and Full-Time Students for $120.

If no ear wax is found during your appointment, we offer a reduced rate of $80 for the consultation (or $60 for concession).

If further follow up appointments are required after additional softening (within 4 weeks of initial appointment), all follow up appointments will be charged at a rate of $75 for standard fee paying patients (or $45 for concession).

A regular return rate applies for patients who attend within 3 months or more frequently. This is $100 for regular return standard fee paying patients and $90 for regular concession/pension card holders.

Please note we are a provider for St Lukes Health and Health Care Insurance (HCI).

We also see children aged 4 years or older. A discussion with Earworx staff is recommended prior to booking. For safety reasons children need to be able to follow direction and keep reasonably still.

Payments are made at the time of the appointment and are made via credit/debit card.

We have clinics in Tasmania, Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia and the ACT. Please visit our clinic locations tab to see the addresses of each clinic.

If for some reason direct vision cannot be maintained, we do not proceed with wax removal and may recommend a return to you for assessment and possible referral to an ENT where the procedure can be performed under microscopic vision. If wax is very dry and impacted softening may be necessary prior to removal to avoid trauma to the ear canal. A return visit is provided following a week of softening at no cost.

Earworx recommended products for softening include Ear Clear™ or plain olive oil and should be applied two nights before the appointment where possible.

All instruments are reprocessed on site in accordance with AS/NZS 4815:2006 to ensure no risk of transmission of infectious agents.

Please note all Earworx registered nurses are approved St Lukes Health and HCI providers and a partial rebate applies for our wax removal service.

Click here to learn more about the procedure.

Click here for FAQ’s.

Treatment Care Arrangement (TCA):

Whilst we would love to assist at Earworx with TCAs, unfortunately, we are unable to sign up for Team Care Arrangement as Registered Nurses currently do not have access to the MBS and are not eligible to provide services under Team Care Arrangements.

We are lobbying hard to see change to this funding model for nurses working independently and within their scope.

Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA):

Unfortunately, the DVA currently does not cover registered nurses as they do not have a Medicare Provider Number.

DVA patients are eligible for a concession rate for wax removal services if they present their GOLD or WHITE DVA card at the time of their appointment.

1 Schwartz et al 2017, Clinical Practice Guideline (Update): Earwax (Cerumen Impaction), Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Vol 156 (IS) SI-S29.