Earworx is a dedicated ear cleaning clinic with locations across Australia. We specialise in removing impacted ear wax using dry and effective microsuction technology under direct observation, helping to alleviate your uncomfortable symptoms of excess ear wax.
Established in 2016 by registered nurse Lisa Hellwege, Earworx was established to provide a safe and gentle alternative to traditional earwax removal methods. Lisa recognised the need for a clinic dedicated to unblocking impacted ears and removing excess ear wax; an issue that 1 in 20 adults and 1 in 10 children deal with regularly. Now, Earworx is a national award-winning leader in the space for professional earwax removal services, with multiple clinics across Tasmania, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, ACT, Queensland and Western Australia.

All our clinics are run by Registered Nurses who have been specially trained in the effective micro-suction and curettage techniques. Micro-suction is a dry ear cleaning technique that is the preferred method of ear wax removal of Ear Nose and Throat surgeons. All Earworx Clinic Managers have completed a nationally accredited Earworx Course in Aural Care and an extensive practical placement in order to learn how to safely perform the micro-suction and curettage procedure. Earworx believes this practical training is essential in order for you to expect a gentle and safe earwax removal experience from any clinic you visit across Australia.
All appointments at our clinics will begin with your registered nurse gaining a better understanding of your ear symptoms and history. Your ears will then be examined to determine whether earwax removal is clinically indicated*, as not all earwax requires active management. The nurse will then explain the procedure to you and allow an opportunity to ask questions.
The procedure is safe, gentle and relatively quick which allows you time to receive some education at the end of the appointment and ask any questions you may have. If your ear wax is particularly dry, you will be offered a complimentary follow up session after a prescribed period of ‘softening’ to allow the wax to be removed more gently.
Micro-suction is a dry technique and does not rely on the use of water to clean your ears. Doing so prevents the ear canal and drum being exposed to moisture. This is a best practice technique suitable for all, and can be particularly helpful to those with a perforated eardrum or grommets, diabetics, those who have a depressed immune system, are taking blood thinners, or have a current ear infection.
We currently have professional ear cleaning clinics across Australia.
Earworx As Seen & Heard On TV & Radio
Your Earworx Team
Lisa Hellwege – Founder & Chief Nurse
Earworx was established in 2016 by Registered Nurse Lisa Hellwege, to provide her clients with a safe and effective professional micro-suction earwax removal service. This is the same gentle, effective and dry technique used by ENT specialists across Australia.
Lisa has undertaken both a Nationally Accredited Course in Micro-Suction and Aural Hygiene, and a Course in Aural Care adapted from the Aural Care Certificate delivered by Mandeville Hospital in the UK. Lisa previously worked for a number of years in the ENT clinics as a Registered Nurse at the Royal Hobart Hospital. She was also the Tasmanian State Coordinator for the National Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Nurses Group for 6 years, coordinating ENT education for the State, and was a finalist in the Health Minister’s Award for Nursing Trailblazers in 2021. Lisa has a qualified, strong and experienced business and administrative team behind her, with every element of the business adhering to our values of being professional, kind and generous.
Lisa’s passion is to help patients have a better quality of life through addressing and preventing impacted wax and supporting ear health. The mission of Earworx is to provide patients with exceptional service to the highest standards of patient care in safe, effective and professional ear wax removal.
*Schwartz et al 2017, Clinical Practice Guideline (Update): Earwax (Cerumen Impaction), Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Vol 156 (IS) SI-S29