Whenever you visit one of our award-winning Earworx clinics around the country, you are in safe hands with our experienced and compassionate team of nurses. Our staff are Registered Nurses with backgrounds in various areas of healthcare, including at major hospitals and medical clinics throughout Australia. They are experts in wax impaction and ear cleaning, and able to provide our safe, pain-free and highly effective micro-suctioning service to you.
All of our professional staff have undertaken a Nationally Accredited Earworx Course in Aural Care and are highly trained in ear care and the micro-suction procedure utilised at Earworx clinics. Earworx nurses complete at least twenty hours of study and a week-long clinical placement prior to beginning work within our team. We provide comprehensive training and continued professional development to ensure our staff are able to work safely within the ear canal and around the eardrum.
We encourage all patients to ask questions and have a detailed discussion about their ears prior to beginning the micro-suction procedure. It is important to us that awareness and knowledge of ear health is increased within the communities that we are a part of, and we are proud to be contributing to better aural health around Australia.
Your Earworx Team
Lisa Hellwege – Founder & Chief Nurse
Earworx was established in 2016 by Registered Nurse Lisa Hellwege, to provide her clients with a safe and effective professional micro-suction earwax removal service. This is the same gentle, effective and dry technique used by ENT specialists across Australia.
Lisa has undertaken both a Nationally Accredited Course in Micro-Suction and Aural Hygiene, and a Course in Aural Care adapted from the Aural Care Certificate delivered by Mandeville Hospital in the UK. Lisa previously worked for a number of years in the ENT clinics as a Registered Nurse at the Royal Hobart Hospital. She was also the Tasmanian State Coordinator for the National Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Nurses Group for 6 years, coordinating ENT education for the State, and was a finalist in the Health Minister’s Award for Nursing Trailblazers in 2021. Lisa has a qualified, strong and experienced business and administrative team behind her, with every element of the business adhering to our values of being professional, kind and generous.
Lisa’s passion is to help patients have a better quality of life through addressing and preventing impacted wax and supporting ear health. The mission of Earworx is to provide patients with exceptional service to the highest standards of patient care in safe, effective and professional ear wax removal.

Emily Walker
National Practice Manager
Alanna Cook
Registered Nurse
Gloria Mendoza
Registered Nurse
Heidi March
Registered Nurse
Susan Dawson
Registered Nurse
Registered Nurse
Dani Donegan
Registered Nurse
Launceston & Ulverstone
Suzanne Geraghty
Registered Nurse
Sonia Adkins
Registered Nurse
Quanquan Zhao
Registered Nurse
Ava Liu
Registered Nurse
Melissa Fryer
Registered Nurse
Karen Alder-Wilson
Registered Nurse
Cardiff & Glendale
Louise Charleson
Registered Nurse
Cardiff & Glendale
Joanne McBean
Registered Nurse
Cardiff & Glendale
Katherine Williams
Registered Nurse
Coffs Harbour
Donna Bickle
Registered Nurse
Coffs Harbour
Renee Adam
Registered Nurse
Coffs Harbour
Kate Dawson
Director of Nursing
Suzana Kovassy
Registered Nurse
Shaelyn Baxter
Registered Nurse
Julie Choi
Registered Nurse
Suzana Kovassy
Registered Nurse
Shaelyn Baxter
Registered Nurse
Jayne Moore
Registered Nurse
Joanna Lawrence
Registered Nurse
Sandra Allen
Registered Nurse
Kawana Waters
Melinda Geelhoed,
Registered Nurse
Kawana Waters
Christine Lott
Registered Nurse
Christine Ingram
Registered Nurse
Joanne Trevethan
Registered Nurse Mackay
Lyle Libuit
Registered Nurse Chermside
Julie Alexander
Registered Nurse
Sandy Lu
Registered Nurse Chermside & Wooloongabba
Cheryl Wilshere
Registered Nurse Wooloongabba
Rebecca Ovini Yap
Registered Nurse Chermside & Wooloongabba
Susannah Griffiths
Registered Nurse
Como & Osborne Park
Russel Carampatana
Registered Nurse
Como & Osborne Park
Maree Frost
Registered Nurse
Como, Osborne Park & Joondalup / Currambine
Registered Nurse
Osborne Park
Sue de Vetter
Registered Nurse
Osborne Park
Sonia Johnson
Registered Nurse
Joondalup / Currambine
Surietha Reynolds
Registered Nurse
Belconnen & Kingston
Marc Palermo
Registered Nurse Belconnen & Kingston
Joseph Sapaden
Registered Nurse
Belconnen & Kingston
Natalie Veale
Registered Nurse
Tahlia Matulick
Registered Nurse
Adelaide & Rosewater
Amy Heysen
Registered Nurse
Adelaide & Rosewater