
COVID-19 Mitigation Strategies

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused disruption to Earworx services nationwide. The Earworx service in Tasmania is now re-opening in a limited capacity with strict mitigation strategies in place to reduce the risk of transmission to both staff and clients. We hope to be able to re-open our Bondi Junction clinic in late May/early June dependant on the NSW Health Authority advice.

At our Earworx clinics our COVID-19 mitigation strategies for the COVID-19 pandemic are as follows:

  • No symptomatic clients or staff are permitted in clinic (high temperature, sore throat, cough or shortness of breath). If a patient states their GP has said they only have a cold or flu and not COVID, they are still not able to attend. Patients with these symptoms will be asked to re-book when they are symptom free
  • If a patient arrives at clinic and is symptomatic (high temperature, sore throat, cough or shortness of breath) they will be given a mask and asked them to leave the clinic and call to reschedule when they arrive home
  • If a patient has been a confirmed case of COVID-19, they need to provide evidence of two negative results taken 24 hours apart following recovery per Australian Government guidelines. Given it is currently unclear whether people post COVID infection can again test positive, these patients will be asked to wear a mask which we will provide them on arrival into the clinic
  • Clinic appointments are to be lengthened from 30 minutes to 45 minutes to allow for patients to not cross paths in clinic, and to allow for extra cleaning on conclusion of the appointment
  • Earworx RNs are to all wear masks during the microsuction and curettage procedure
  • Clinic windows will be opened where possible to allow for airflow
  • All RNs are to be ‘bare below the elbows’ (single flat ring acceptable) when providing direct patient care
  • All Earworx staff are up to date with their flu vaccines
  • All Earworx staff have completed the COVID-19 online training module
  • Patients will be required to perform hand hygiene on arrival to clinic
  • Waiting room chairs will be set 1.5m apart to comply with social distancing
  • There will no longer be toys or magazines in the waiting room
  • Patients should present on their own if possible, but if not with only one support person and this person should ideally wait in the waiting room or in their car outside
  • If a patient arrives wearing disposable gloves, we will ask them to remove their gloves, perform hand hygiene, and then we will offer the patient a clean pair of gloves on departure.

Further Reading

Our operating hours have been adjusted to accommodate the Easter holiday period. Please consult our revised schedule to plan your visit accordingly